Noumea harbor is a convenient technical call for yachts and superyachts with adequate shipyard for all requests:
- Noumea’s slip dock with a capacity up to 1 000 tons along with a smaller up to 200 tons
- Socalmo slipway with a capacity up to 100 tons
- Caren Ocean with a capacity up to 20 tons accommodates a hydraulic trail taking up to 20 tons and a crane taking up to 10 tons
- Neptune travel lift with a capacity up to 15 tons
- Nouville Plaisance travel lift with a capacity up to 50 tons
- Socometal Hydraulic trail with a capacity up to 15 tons
- Many cranes are available on the territory up to 200 tons
New Caledonia detents a high level of technology due to the mines factories. Caterpillar for instance has a huge representation in Noumea. Workshops are relevant to the demand of boat maintenance and general services are part of it.
In order to respond efficiently to your repair and refit, please do not hesitate to contact Noumea Yacht Services.